With more than half the world’s population now living in urban areas, design has become an increasingly fundamental tool to make cities more competitive, attractive, liveable and efficient. The World Design Capital designation is a city promotion project that celebrates the accomplishments of cities that have used design as a tool to reinvent themselves and improve social, cultural and economic life.
Extracts from the Cape Town World Design Capital 2014 Bid Book can be found on www.capetown2014.co.za
View Cape Town’s winning video, premiered in Taipei at the IDA Congress, at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XrcFSbYSEko and the video that helped Cape Town to clinch the World Design Capital 2014 title at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xoFLtHMWssY
Other platforms for support include a Facebook page: Cape Town for World Design Capital, a Twitter feed: CapeTown2014 and the Twitter hash tag: #WDC2014.