The City of Cape Town is planning several MyCiTi bus services for these areas, including an express service between Khayelitsha and Mitchells Plain and central Cape Town.
These plans are outlined in the latest MyCiTi project report, of July 2011 which will be presented to the Transport, Roads and Stormwater Portfolio Committee on Friday morning.
New MyCiTi services are also planned for transport corridors between the Metro South East and the southern, northern and West Coast suburbs, as there is high passenger demand but no rail service along these routes.
The express service is planned to start by April 2014 and will continue until the Passenger Rail Association of South Africa finishes its planned modernisation of the Khayelitsha-to-CBD service. At that stage, the express service will be re-evaluated.
The aim of the new services is to complement the rail service as well as to serve other corridors of high demand.