The Fifth International Wildland Fire Conference will take place from May 9 – 13. The theme is “Living with Fire – Addressing Global Change through Integrated Fire Management.”
WILDFIRE 2011 will be held under the auspices of the United Nations’ International Strategy for Disaster Reduction and the Food and Agricultural Organisation.
Topics to be discussed at the conference include adapting to climate change in a post-Kyoto protocol period; the Mega- Fire phenomenon; cutting-edge technologies in fire detection, monitoring and fighting; how fire management programmes can help alleviate poverty in South Africa and elsewhere; how communities in many countries are preventing and fighting fires that would otherwise cause devastation, and the progress made in drawing up international agreements and guidelines for managing wildfires.
The conference, funded with assistance from the South African Government, will be held under the auspices of the United Nations’ International Strategy for Disaster Reduction and the Food and Agricultural Organisation. WILDFIRE conferences only take place every fourth year with past conferences have taken place in Seville, Sydney, Vancouver and Boston. 2011.
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