Friday, January 28, 2011

HWB on CNN iReport

iReport —

Former South African president, Nelson Mandela, was admitted to Milpark Hospital in Johannesburg on Wednesday for what the Nelson Mandela Foundation called "routine tests".

It's been all-over the press and media for the last two days, but with no clarity on the matter. It's now said that authorities should just be completely open with the media/press on Nelson Mandela's hospitalisation and that they should provide
regular updates.

"They are opening themselves up to rampant speculation by not keeping the press informed," said Evelyn Holtzhausen, chief executive of Cape Town-based HWB Communications.
"The first rule of public relations is to keep the press informed."

Since then there has been a string of visitors to the former president, including his former wife, Winnie Mandela, who was seen leaving the hospital in tears earlier today.

There has been a lot of speculation since the word got, but whatever the case may be, I'm sure of one thing...the whole South Africa or more likely the whole world, are hoping & praying for Mandela's speedy recovery.