The campaign will run from November 22, to December 5, 2009. A bus on tour in the Western Cape will carry volunteer trainers, community activists and counsellors travelling to a number of communities conducting workshops, holding networking meetings, training and counselling on issues related to rape and sexual violence.
The links between sexual violence, HIV and substance abuse, highlighting the voices of rural communities and building stronger partnerships between urban and rural organisations will also be explored.
“We need to encourage people to speak out and not to deny the reality of rape and sexual violence. We cannot turn away from the horror of what is happening in our streets, back yards, schools, businesses, places of worship and homes when it comes to violence against women and children. We need to work together to change the society that we live in”, said Nazma Hendricks, Operations Manager, Rape Crisis Cape Town.
Posted by HWB Communications, Cape Town's premier PR agency specialising in crisis communications & media relations in South Africa. Rape Crisis is a pro bono client of HWB.