A partnership agreement was announced last night (Wednesday) at the first birthday celebration of G-Star Raw’s store at the V&A Waterfront in Cape Town. The store is inviting members of the public to bring their old jeans to the shop and exchange them for a discount on their next purchase.
Over the next 12 months, all denims handed in at G-Star Raw’s Waterfront shop will be passed on to MSR (Men On the Side of The Road), a non profit organisation that acts as a market place for skilled, unemployed workers. In return, donors would receive a 15% discount on any denims they purchase from G-Star Raw.
Lara Sanan, spokesperson for G-Star Raw hoped that people would make use of this opportunity to support MSR.
“We thank G-Star Raw for this vote of confidence in the important work we do,” said Peter Kratz, MSR’s national director.
Customers in seven cities can hire MSR members on a part time or contract basis, that are able, trustworthy and skilled in particular areas. MSR have verified all their skills and workers have identity cards on them at all time.
With unemployment at critical levels, MSR aims to facilitate the placement of skilled and semi skilled workers in part-time or full-time work. For as little as R120 per day potential employers can hire a reliable and trustworthy worker.
Call 0861 WORKER (0861 967537) or visit MSR.org.za for more info.